Référence : BA-522

Rechargeable Lithium DVR 500 HD

Short description :

  • Replacement Battery DVR - 500 - HD & DVR - 500 - SD
  • Intensity : 2200 mA


Rechargeable lithium with a capacity of 2200 mA for the 500 HD DVR & DVR 500 SD.

This battery is the ideal solution for those who wish to feed the DVR - 500 - HD & DVR 500 SD.


Compatible DVR 500 HD, DVR 500 SD
Intensity 2200 mA


Active Media Concept,
Porte N°15,Bâtiment 4,
2323 chemin Saint Bernard,

06225 Vallauris, France.


Tel : +33 (0)4 93 65 23 78,

Fax : +33 (0)4 93 65 35 01

Email : sav@amc-tec.com